We understand how frustrating it can be for businesses with unreliable IT services and the effect this has on company performance and morale. We believe in proactive support and are focused on making IT as reliable as possible.
Checkpoint's Solution Secure More Than 100,000 Businesses & Millions of Users Worldwide
100% satisfaction and full transparency! We will never tie you into long term contracts or confusing pricing schemes.
No call centres, no waiting on hold, no bouncing between multiple support agents. All work carried out quickly and professionally.
Harmony Mobile prevents malicious apps and has excellent accuracy by using advanced static code analysis and machine learning. It also offers the kind of flexibility we need for fast deployment, easy scaling, and efficient operation. It really is a perfect fit for our business.
The biggest advantage to using Check Point Harmony Endpoint is that we don’t need to worry about ransomware attacks on our environment. It provides total peace of mind, and you can’t put a price tag on that. We know it will be there, and that our data will remain safe
I highly recommend Harmony Endpoint. It’s very robust and has proven highly effective. TopRx has greatly improved its security posture with far less time invested in maintaining endpoint software
Grace has deployed Office 365 cloud based email solution…. We were experiencing significant phishing attacks; within three months we were in trouble. We turned to our trusted partner Check Point and deployed Harmony Email & Collaboration. Within an hour we had the product up and running. Within the second hour we had it properly tuned and it was catching emails immediately…